memento apparel

From the Fall of 2018 to the Summer of 2020 Memento Apparel was my whole life. I built a brand that people loved and resonated with. To this day it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever created for.

brand development

In 2018 I was in a pretty bad car accident which put a lot of things into perspective in my life. Not to mention, I was in college. What other time in life is my target market going to be the people I see and sit next to every day? Memento Apparel was born. A brand which revolved around the idea of “Remembering What Matters.” Everything from the business side, to social media management, to clothing design, and shipping was created and run by myself.

clothing design

With my background in graphic design, it was great to be able to design straight from the dome and see it translate into exactly what I wanted it to be. Although, after some financial troubles and the Covid-19 pandemic, the brand has taken a short hiatus, people loved and still love the brand to this day. I am always getting DMs asking if certain things are still avaialble for purchase!

social media marketing

Social media marketing for Memento was really fun. Again being in college my target market was all around me and that meant my customer/friends were always willing to give me testamonials and be models for shoots. I also learned alot about social media analytics and it opened a whole new world of business for me.

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